Motherson Auto Product Private Limited job vacancy| Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd Noida job vacancy


Motherson Auto Product Private Limited job vacancy| Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd Noida job vacancy

Company Name :-  Motherson Auto Product Private Limited

Total Post:- 40

Gender :- Only Male Candidate

Age Limit:- 18 se 35

Qualification:- ITI, Diploma

Trades - Only Electronic Candidate

Facility - Canteen + Bus

Duty:- 8 Hours + Overtime

Qualification_ Required –

ITI, Diploma Only Electronic


Attendance Bonus-500

Diploma:- 11691+1000

Attendance Bonus- 500

Age Limit -18-35

Shifts - 3 shifts of 8Hours




And Bus
Interview Date_22-23/09/2022
Interview Time = 08 _Am-11:00am

Work Location- IMT BAWAL
Sector_ 05Plot No.-17To61

More Capll On Given


Mukesh jat _ 8058874967

Motherson Auto Product Private Limited job vacancy| Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd Noida job vacancy