Amazon packing jobs in Gurgaon | Amazon jobs in Gurgaon for Freshers


Amazon packing jobs in Gurgaon | Amazon jobs in Gurgaon for Freshers

Amazon Company

Qualifaction - 10th, 12th, Graduate

gender- male & Fimale

Salary Rs-551/-(10Hours) +65/- travelling Allowance + 115/- Night Allowance Per Slot + pf+ESIC+ Medical Insurance Coverage
IVITV Company Amazon DEL-4 Bilaspur

Total posts:- 350 Male and female Part Time Staff

work profile:-  Packing,

Interview Date: 01-02-03/11/2022

hand to hand joining

Interview time :- 10:00am to 2:30pm

Interview Address :- pradav associate offic Bilaspur Near by A - One Hotel Nh - 8
Amazon Company Hr Contact number:-  Sonu Nahar

Amazon packing jobs in Gurgaon | Amazon jobs in Gurgaon for Freshers
Amazon job