MG Motors careers IndiaMG Motors Halol vacancy ITI 2022
Company Name:-
1. MG Motors Limited Halol plant
2. Rotary Clubs Godhra Gujarat
Qualification :-
12th pass out
Weight 45 kg
Height 150 cm
MG Motors Private Limited
Salary & Benefits:-
Rs 12000 to 15000 per month
Duty time at work lunch breakfast
Accommodation + Mail fees ₹2000
Total - Vecancy 100 post
Age limit 18 to 30 years
Documents :-
10th Marksheet
ITI Marksheet
Aadhar card pan card
Bank passbook
5 passport size Colour photo
Interview Address :-
कलाराव हाई स्कूल, सनराइज अस्पताल के पीछे, आरआर कार के बगल में, दाहोद रोड, गोधरा गुजरात
Interview Date :-
Date 22 November 2022 10 am