motherson sumi systems limited job vacancy|Motherson company job vacancy 2022
Company Name :- motherson sumi systems
Total Post: 40 Vacancy
Gender:- Only Male Candidate
Age Limit:- 18 To 27 Years
Qualification:- 10Th, 12Th, ITI, Diploma
Duty:- 8 Hours + Overtime (26 Duty : 4
Sunday Off)
Motherson company Helper salary:-
Salary (8 Hours) :- 10+12Th Salary:- 10100 + 750 CTC
ITI Salary:- 10700 + 750 CTC
Diploma Salary:- 11750+ 750 CTC
Overtime:- 110/Hours
Qualification- Polytechnic
Pass out year-2015 to 2022
Salary--Diploma =11740+750
Iti =10700+750
10+2 10100+750=
Canteen + Transport+
Interview Date:- 15-16/11/2022
Interview Timing- 08:30 Am to 11:30 Am
Contact Person :-
Sunil Kumar 8168725903