Subros limited and PG Electroplast Private Limited placement 2023 | ITI 10 12th Pass job requirements 2023
Company Name
Suburs Private Limited
PG Electro Plast Private Limited
10th pass 12th pass ITI pass
Job location
Noida Uttar Pradesh
Age limit 18 to 35 years
Salary & Benefits
PG Electrop. 14000/- To 16000/- ₹ per manth
Subros Limited Salary 10500/- ₹ +
500 Attendance
As per company
10th 12th marksheet
ITI marksheet
Aadhar card pan card
5 passport size Colour photo
इंटरव्यू एड्रेस
राजकीय औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्था अमरोहा उत्तर प्रदेश
इंटरव्यू दिनांक
दिनांक 23 जनवरी 2023 सुबह 10:00 बजे