Haw Job interview New latest Vecancy Campus placement How to Job Interview VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd 23


Haw Job interview New latest Vecancy Campus placement How to Job Interview VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd 23

Company Name 

VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd
VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd.

In 2008, two leading players, Volvo Group and Eicher Motors, in the commercial vehicle business joined hands with a common vision of driving modernization in the commercial transport business in India. Volvo Group comes with global expertise, leadership in product technology, well-defined processes and a brand that is respected all over the world

Eicher Motors is a leader in the Light and Medium Vehicle segment and brings to the table frugal engineering, considerable after sales infrastructure, and cost-effective operations. Together they complement each other and combine their strengths to deliver effective solutions that favorably impact the eco-system. 

Psitions :- NEEM Trainee

Job Location :- Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh


12th Pass 

Rs. 9,825/- pm + Rs. 1,000/-  (Attendance Award)

Rs 1,000 Yearly increment

3 वर्ष पूर्ण होने पर एक बार एक मुश्त रु . 27000 / – दिए जायेंगे

10th/12th + ITI Pass 

Rs. 10,682/- pm + Rs. 1,000/-  (Attendance Award)

Rs 1,000 Yearly increment

3 वर्ष पूर्ण होने पर एक बार एक मुश्त रु . 27000 / – दिए जायेंगे


12th Pass OR

10th/12th + ITI Pass in Diesel Mechanic, Tractor Mechanic, Motor Mechanic, Electrician, Fitter, Turner, Machinist, Welder etc..

Experience :- Freshers

Age Limit :- 18 – 26 Years



10th Marksheet

ITI Marksheet & Certificate

Aadhar Card

Pan Card

Passport Size Photo

Selection Process :

Written Test & Interview 

Campus Interview 

Date : 04 December 2023

Time : 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM

Venue : गेट नं- 02, ICICI बैंक ATM के पास, आयशर ट्रक एवं बस (VE Commercial Vehicles) आयशर चौराहा, पीथमपुर, जिला- धार, इंदौर के पास (म.प्र.