Haier Appliances Indian Limited New latest Vacancy Job Profile Apprentices आईटीआई जॉब इंटरव्यू प्लेसमेंट


Haier Appliances Indian Limited New latest Vacancy Job Profile Apprentices आईटीआई जॉब इंटरव्यू प्लेसमेंट 

Company Name

Haier Appliances Private Limited 

Job Title : Apprenticeship Training 


 ITI pass All Trade 

Vecancy 100 post 

Job location : Pune plant

 Gender :

Male candidate 

Salary & Benefit

Rs 16828/- ₹ per manth 

Extra Over time 

Canteen & Bus facilities 

Duty time 8 hours 


10th marksheet

ITI marksheet 

Aadhar card pan card 

 5 passport size colour photo 

Interview Address 

Bamboli new Indospace chakan Maharashtra 

Interview Date 30 March To 7 April 2024 

Iime 8:00 M To 12:30 pm 

Interested Candid came to contact