Motherson company job vacancy noida|Motherson Company job Vacancy For Freshers
Post name : Operator
job location : Noida
Salary & Benefit .
10 12 salary 13600/-₹ per manth
ITI salary 15900/-;₹ per manth.
10 12th pass out
ITI pass out Tu your
trade eligible
Experience : Fressure
Age limit 18 to 32 years
12th marksheet
ITI marksheet
Aadhar card pan card
passport size Colour photo
Selection process
Wreturn test
इंटरव्यू लोकेशन
औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्था फर्रुखाबाद
इंटरव्यू दिनाक
दिनक 20 March 2025
What is the salary in Motherson automotive elastomers technology?
Answer:- 10 12 salary ₹13600/ manth
ITI salary ₹15900/per manth
Is Motherson a good company to work for?
Answer:- 10 12 salary ₹13600/ manth
ITI salary ₹15900/per manth
Question:- मदरसन कंपनी में फ्रेशर्स की सैलरी कितनी है?
Answer:- 10 12 salary ₹13600/ manth
ITI salary ₹15900/per manth